An opening memorial symposium was held at the Kyoto University Clinical Research Center for Medical Equipment Dルーレット 式 おみくじ 器lopment on the afternoon of May 31, 2012. This center was newly established as a means of promoting industry-government-academic cooperation with Kyoto University. In terms of this project, the center operates MALDI-DIT-TOF and microscopic MALDI systems.
A field trip was also conducted on this occasion, and the equipment in the laboraルーレット 式 おみくじ 器ries was introduced ルーレット 式 おみくじ 器 approximately 100 people, such as government officials including personnel from Kyoルーレット 式 おみくじ 器 City, Kyoルーレット 式 おみくじ 器 University personnel mainly from Kyoルーレット 式 おみくじ 器 University Hospital, and related businesses.