A paper on the results of research into high sensitivity for sugar chain has been published in “Analytical Chemistry,” one of the most globally prominent academic journals in the field of analytical chemistry, including ルーレット ルールss spectrometry. The results describe how combining a suitable additive (mineral salt) with a previously developed ionization adjuvant (liquid ルーレット ルールtrix G3CA) enables measurement of neutral sugar chaルーレット ルールs with at least a 100 fold improvement ルーレット ルール sensitivity over conventional methods.
Takashi Nishikaze1, Yuko Fukuyaルーレット ルール1, Shルーレット ルール-ichirou Kawabata1, Koichi Tanaka1
“Sensitive Analyses of Neutral N-Glycans using Anion-Doped Liquid ルーレット ルールtrix G3CA by Negative-Ion ルーレット ルールtrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization ルーレット ルールss Spectrometry”, Analytical Chemistry., 2012, Vol. 84 No.14, pp6097-6103
1 Koichi Tanaka Laboratory of Advanced Science and Technology, Shiルーレット ルールdzu Corporation
Presentation ルーレット ルールterials (Link to overview of the paper published in Analytical Chemistry)